Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Happy New Year 2016!!!

2015...Well that was fast!  I had a great year.  I participated in three trail races:
February 25K San Juan Trail Run
May 50K BTR Trail Run
November 29 SB Red Rock Marathon Trail Run

After the marathon trail run in November my birthday, I knew I had to find a group of runners, that I could run with, and I did!  2015 was a lonely year of training by myself.  I did not have a running partner nor friends that were excited about running like I am.  However, I finally made a connection with a group of runners, that are training during this winter and early spring, and I will be able to join them in a few races.  I have a few races already lined up for 2016, woot woot! Needless to say there was not a lot to talk about or photographs to post for the 2015 year.  It was just me trying to stay healthy through out the year.  I did manage to train and compete in a triathlon, and I will do another one this year.  Training in the pool has been real easy: we wake up at 5:45 am and jump in the pool twice or three times a week.  Nothing to complain about that, and I have a group of friends that will be there with you.  Now that is my kind of team; the friends that will suffer with you no matter what. I am excited and thankful everyday for having the opportunities to train, and compete. Until the next time...

Happy Trails,
Los Olivos Runner

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Last Trail Run of Two-Thousand Fourteen

WOW! A year just flew by and in less than a year, I ran two 50K, one trail marathon and two half marathons.  It was an amazing year of training and running in new places.  I am using the Luna Sandal and so far has been so much fun!  In the new year, I look forward to more running and training for longer distances.  Goals; 25K in February, trail marathon in March, almost a 50K in May to start with...  The runners I have met on social media are the best support and motivation to continue to train and push a little more each day.  I am hopeful to join the 50 mile club in the fall, and reach a crazy goal to run 2,015 miles this new year.  Who is with me?
Grass Mountain-Green Gate

Selfie on a super cold trail run

My running buddy/husband

Luna Sandals

Happy Trails,
Los Olivos Runner

Friday, June 6, 2014

BORN TO RUN May 2014

Well, what an epic (BTR) run!  We did it Uli, Adrian, and we had a blast.  In less than a year, we ran to Ultra Marathons, and a half marathon, and ran over one thousand miles to achieve this goal.  There is still so much out there in trail running.  We covered a lot of the local mountains, and by far had an awesome experience during the last twenty mile long run in the San Rafael Wilderness.  We will continue to run, I don't know when the next big race will be.  I do know that I will continue to venture in the local trails and recruit more friends to join us on our next adventure.  We made a wonderful friendship with Adrian, and it is sad to see him leave, but there is no doubt in my mind that we will see each other again, and that our adventures of trail running will reunite us again... Until then, happy trails all, and let us know if you want to be part of our little running team.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Holy cow, we are almost there.  The day of the race is in less  than three weeks, and we are ready!  Our last long run was on Saturday for four hours, and about a 4,000 elevation gain and we covered 20 miles.  We went back to the National Forest, and it was worth the risk.  We parked without a pass and we were able to find the trail we did last fall.  The trail was challenging however, the weather was perfect! I would love to keep going back there and try new trails.  Lots of news in the social media circuit, I was added to the Santa Barbara Trail Run page, and the Ultramarathon BTR.  I am finally gonna meet all the crazy folks that run for fun.  Here is a link to the BTR 2014 Race in Los Olivos.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Well there are five weeks left of training for the 50K.  How can it be here so quick?  We have one huge run left, but still a lot of running in between.  All is going well, training on trails and lots of elevation gain.  This week we went to SD and had a great  two hour run and about a 900 elevation gain.  We must stick to the schedule and push through the next few weeks.  We also have a half marathon in four weeks, I am not sure how I will feel about racing for the half.  It will definitely be fun with family and friends visiting!!!
Camino del Cielo three hour run :0

Saturday, March 22, 2014


We are down to the second half of training, and today was the longest run thus far.  Camino Cielo is definitely not easy.  I forget how difficult the terrain is, and the incline is tough too.  We went out for a three hour run, and fortunately we made just below three hours for a 16 mile run.  I was not feeling the run, maybe because I was worried about Balam and his poison oak allergic reaction.  Well, we did it and I am so proud of our accomplishment!!! Next up tomorrow an hour trail run, I am ready :)

Check out the link on how to stretch your feet, I have been doing them lately and it feels great.


Happy trails...

 Ballard Cyn. 9 mile run

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


I'm back.  Well trying to get back on schedule was not easy, especially the long runs.  Last week we, Uli, Adrian, and I did 5 hill repeats, and the next day it was painful.  Nevertheless, I kept adding mileage to the week.  This week, we started with two one hour runs, and a swim in the morning.  Hilly run tomorrow, and Saturday we will do Uli's loop at 8am over by green gate.
There is a lot of information on stretches, and I have included one from Runner's world, that I did yesterday and I absolutely loved it.  

Hope you all are having a great training session :)
